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(*Asterisks denote student first authors. Underlining denotes members of our research group authoring the manuscript.)

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Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:


Jacox, MG, SJ Bograd, J Fiechter, M Pozo Buil, M Alexander, D Amaya, N Cordero Quiros, H Ding and RR Rykaczewski. 2024. Linking upwelling dynamics and subsurface nutrients to projected productivity changes in the California Current System. Geophysical Research Letters 51:e2023GL108096, doi:10.1029/2023GL108096. Link to GRL.


Shi H, M Pozo Buil, SJ Bograd, M García-Reyes, MG Jacox, BA Black, WJ Sydeman and RR Rykaczewski. 2023. Future change of summer hypoxia in coastal California Current. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1205536, doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1205536. Link to Front. Mar. Sci.

Amaya, DJ, MG Jacox, MR Fewings, VS Saba, MF Stuecker, RR Rykaczewski, AC Ross, CA Stock, A Capotondi, CM Petrik, SJ Bograd, MA Alexander, W Cheng, AJ Hermann, KA Kearney, and BS Powell. 2023. Marine heatwaves need clear definitions so coastal communities can adapt. Nature 616:29-32, doi:10.1038/d41586-023-00924-2. Link to Naure.

McClure, M, MA Haltuch, DD Huff, E Willis-Norton, EL Hazen, LG Crozier, MG Jacox, MW Nelson, KS Andrews, LAK Barnett, AM Berger, S Beyer, J Bizzarro, D Boughton, JM Cope, M Carr, H Dewar, E Dick, E Dorval, J Dunham, V Gertseva, C Greene, RG Gustafson, OS Hamel, CJ Harvey, MJ Henderson, CE Jordan, IC Kaplan, ST Lindley, NJ Mantua, SE Matson, MH Monk, P Moyle, C Nicol, J Pohl, RR Rykaczewski, JF Samhouri, S Sogard, N Tolimieri, J Wallace, C Wetzel, and SJ Bograd. 2023. Vulnerability to climate change of managed stocks in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1103767, doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1103767. Link to Front. Mar. Sci.

Smith, JA, M Pozo Buil, B Muhling, D Tommasi, S Brodie, TH Frawley, J Fiechter, S Koenigstein, A Himes-Cornell, MA Alexander, SJ Bograd, N Cordero Quirós, LB Crowder, E Curchitser, SJ Green, NA Hardy, AC Haynie, EL Hazen, K Holsman, G Le Fol, N Lezama-Ochoa, RR Rykaczewski, CA Stock, S Stohs, J Sweeney, H Welch, and MG Jacox. 2023. Projecting climate change impacts from physics to fisheries: a view from three California Current fisheries. Progress in Oceanography 211:102973, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2023.102973. Link to Prog. Oceanogr.

Bograd, SJ, MG Jacox, EL Hazen, E Lovecchio, I Montes, M Pozo Buil, LJ Shannon, WJ Sydeman, and RR Rykaczewski. 2023. Climate change impacts on eastern boundary upwelling systems. Annual Review of Marine Science 15:1, doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-032122-021945. Link to ARMS.

Taboada, FG, J-Y Park, BA Muhling, D Tommasi, KR Tanaka, RR Rykaczewski, CA Stock, and JL Sarmiento. 2023. Anticipating fluctuations of bigeye tuna in the Pacific Ocean from three-dimensional ocean biogeochemistry. Journal of Applied Ecology 60(3):463-479, doi:10.1111/1365-2664.14346. Link to J. Appl. Ecol.


Minobe, S, A Capotondi, F Chai, MG Jacox, M Nonaka, and RR Rykaczewski. 2022. Editorial: North Pacific climate and ecosystem predictability on seasonal to decadal timescales. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:1111272, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.1111272. Link to Front. Mar. Sci.

Navarra GG, E Di Lorenzo, RR Rykaczewski, and A Capotondi. 2022. Predictability and empirical dynamics of fisheries time series in the North Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:969319, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.969319. Link to Front. Mar. Sci.

Sakamoto, T, M Takahashi, MT Chung, RR Rykaczewski, K Komatsu, K Shirai, T Ishimura, and T Higuchi. 2022. Contrasting life-history responses to climate variability in eastern and western North Pacific sardine populations. Nature Communications 13:5298, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-33019-z. Link to Nat. Comm.

Minobe, S, A Capotondi, MG Jacox, M Nonaka, and RR Rykaczewski. 2022. Toward regional marine ecological forecasting using global climate model predictions from subseasonal to decadal timescales: bottlenecks and recommendations. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:855965, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.855965. Link to Front. Mar. Sci.

Nam, SH, Y Wu, J Hwang, RR Rykaczewski, and G Kim. 2022. Editorial: Physics and biogeochemistry of the East Asian marginal seas. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:945814, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.945814. Link to Front. Mar. Sci.

Shi, H, F Jin, RCJ Wills, MG Jacox, DJ Amaya, BA Black, RR Rykaczewski, SJ Bograd, M García-Reyes, and WJ Sydeman. 2022. Global decline in ocean memory over the 21st century. Science Advances 8:18, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abm3468. Link to Sci. Adv.

van der Sleen, P, PA Zuidema, J Morrongiello, KLJ Ong, RR Rykaczewski, WJ Sydeman, E Di Lorenzo, and BA Black. 2022. Interannual temperature variability is a principal driver of low-frequency fluctuations in marine fish populations. Communications Biology 5:28, doi:10.1038/s42003-021-02960-y. Link to Commun. Biol.


Politikos, DV, KA Rose, EN Curchitser, DM Checkley, RR Rykaczewski, and J Fiechter. 2021. Climate variation and anchovy recruitment in the California Current: a cause-and-effect analysis of an end-to-end model simulation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 680:111-136, doi:10.3354/meps13853. Link to MEPS.

Shi, H, M García-Reyes, MG Jacox, RR Rykaczewski, BA Black, SJ Bograd, and WJ Sydeman. 2021. Co-occurrence of California drought and northeast Pacific marine heatwaves under climate change. Geophysical Research Letters 48:e2021GL092765, doi:1029/2021GL092765. Link to GRL.

Cimino, MA, MG Jacox, SJ Bograd, S Brodie, G Carroll, EL Hazen, BE Lavaniegos, MM Morales, EV Satterthwaite, and RR Rykaczewski. 2021. Anomalous poleward advection facilitates episodic range expansions of pelagic red crabs in the eastern North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography 66(8):3176-3189, doi:10.1002/lno.11870. Link to Limnol. Oceanogr.

Pozo Buil M, MG Jacox, J Fiechter, MA Alexander, SJ Bograd, EN Curchitser, CA Edwards, RR Rykaczewski, and CA Stock. 2021. A dynamically downscaled ensemble of future projections for the California Current System. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:612874, doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.612874. Link to Front. Mar. Sci.

Peck, MA, J Alheit, A Bertrand, IA Catalán, S Garrido, M Moyano, RR Rykaczewski, A Takasuka, and CD van der Lingen. 2021. Small pelagic fish in the new millennium: a bottom-up view of global research effort. Progress in Oceanography 191:102494, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102494. Link to Prog. Oceanogr.

Eddy, TD, JR Bernhardt, JL Blanchard, WWL Cheung, M Colléter, H du Pontavice, EA Fulton, D Gascuel, KA Kearney, CM Petrik, T Roy, RR Rykaczewski, R Selden, CA Stock, CCC Wabnitz, and RA Watson. 2021. Energy flow through marine ecosystems: confronting transfer efficiency. Trends Ecol. Evol. 36:76-86, doi:10.1016/j.tree.2020.09.006. Link to TREE.


Jacox, MG, MA Alexander, S Siedlecki, K Chen, Y Kwon, S Brodie, I Ortiz, D Tommasi, MJ Widlansky, D Barrie, A Capotondi, W Cheng, E Di Lorenzo, C Edwards, J Fiechter, P Fratantoni, EL Hazen, AJ Hermann, A Kumar, AJ Miller, D Pirhalla, M Pozo Buil, S Ray, SC Sheridan, A Subramanian, P Thompson, L Thorne, H Annamalai, K Aydin, SJ Bograd, RB Griffis, K Kearney, H Kim, A Mariotti, M Merrifield, and RR Rykaczewski. 2020. Seasonal-to-interannual prediction of U.S. coastal marine ecosystems: Forecast methods, mechanisms of predictability, and priority developments. Progress in Oceanography 183, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102307. Link to Prog. Oceanogr.


*Turley, BD and RR Rykaczewski. 2019. Influence of wind events on larval fish mortality rates in the Southern California Current Ecosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:2418-2432, doi:10.1139/cjfas-2018-0458. Link to CJFAS. Copy.

Stammer, D, A Bracco, K AchutaRao, L Beal, N Bindoff, P Braconnot, W Cai, D Chen, M Collins, G Danabasoglu, B Dewitte, R Farneti, B Fox-Kemper, J Fyfe, S Griffies, SR Jayne, A Lazar, M Lengaigne, X Lin, S Marsland, S Minobe, P Monteiro,l W Robinson, R Mathew Koll, RR Rykaczewski, S Speich, I Smith, A Solomon, A Storto, K Takahashi, T Tonazzo, and J Vialard. 2019. Ocean climate observing requirements in support of climate research and climate information. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:444, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00444. Link to Frontiers in Marine Science.

Todd, RE, FP Chavez, S Clayton, SE Cracatte, MP Goes, MI Graco, X Lin, J Sprintall, NV Zilberman, M Archer, J Arístegui, MA Balmaseda, JM Bane, MO Baringer, JA Barth, LM Beal, P Brandt, PHR Calil, E Campos, LR Centurioni, MP Chidichimo, M Cirano, MF Cronin, EN Curchitser, RE Davis, M Dengler, B DeYoung, S Dong, R Escribano, AJ Fassbender, SE Fawcett, M Feng, GJ Goni, AR Gray, D Gutiérrez, D Hebert, R Hummels, S Ito, M Krug, F Lacan, L Laurindo, A Lazar, CM Lee, M Lengaigne, N Levine, J Middleton, I Montes, M Muglia, T Nagai, HI Palevsky, JB Palter, HE Phillips, AR Piola, AJ Plueddemann, B Qiu, RR Rodrigues, T Rossby, M Roughan, DL Rudnick, RR Rykaczewski, M Saraceno, H Seim, AS Gupta, L Shannon, BM Sloyan, AJ Sutton, L Thompson, AK van der Plas, D Volkov, J Wilkin, D Zhang, and L Zhang. 2019. Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:423, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00423. Link to Frontiers in Marine Science.

Litzow, MA, L Ciannelli, P Puerta, JJ Wettstein, RR Rykaczewski, and M Opiekun. 2019. Nonstationary environmental and community relationships in the North Pacific Ocean. Ecology 100(8):e02760, doi:10.1002/ecy.2760. Link to Ecology.

Bograd, SJ, S Kang, E Di Lorenzo, T Horii, ON Katugin, JR King, VB Lobanov, M Makino, G Na, RI Perry, F Qiao, RR Rykaczewski, H Saito, TW Therriault, S Yoo, and H Batchelder. 2019. Developing a social-ecological environmental system framework to address climate change impacts in the North Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00333. Link to Frontiers in Marine Science.

Rykaczewski, RR. 2019. Changes in mesozooplankton size structure along a trophic gradient in the California Current Ecosystem and implications for small pelagic fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 617-618:165-182, doi:10.3354/meps12554. Link to MEPS. Copy.

Puerta, P, L Ciannelli, RR Rykaczewski, M Opiekun, and MA Litzow. 2019. Do Gulf of Alaska fish and crustacean populations show synchronous non-stationary responses to climate? Progress in Oceanography 175:161-170, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2019.04.002. Link to PiO.

Roberts, SM, AM Boustany, PN Halpin, and RR Rykaczewski. 2019. Cyclical climate oscillation alters species statistical relationships with local habitat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 614:159-171, doi:10.3354/meps12890. Link to MEPS.

Alheit, J, E Di Lorenzo, RR Rykaczewski, and S Sundy. 2019. Drivers of dynamics of small pelagic fish resources: environmental control of long-term changes. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 159:1-3, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.12.005. Link to DSRII.


Litzow, MA, L Ciannelli, P Puerta, JJ Wettstein, RR Rykaczewski, and M Opiekun. 2018. Non-stationary climate-salmon relationships in the Gulf of Alaska. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285:20181855, doi:10.1098/rspb.2018.1855. Link to Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

García-Reyes, M, T Lamont, WJ Sydeman, BA Black, RR Rykaczewski, SA Thompson, and SJ Bograd. 2018. A comparison of modes of upwelling-favorable wind variability in the Benguela and California current ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems 188:17-26, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.06.002. Link to Journal of Marine Systems. Copy.

van der Sleen, P, RR Rykaczewski, BD Turley, WJ Sydeman. M García-Reyes, SJ Bograd, CD van der Lingen, JC Coetzee, T Lamont, and BA Black. 2018. Non-stationary responses in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) recruitment to coastal upwelling in the Southern Benguela. Marine Ecology Progress Series 596:155-164, doi:10.3354/meps12567. Link to MEPS. Copy.

Black, BA, P van der Sleen, E Di Lorenzo, D Griffin, WJ Sydeman, JB Dunham, RR Rykaczewski, M García-Reyes, M Safeeq, I Arismendi, and SJ Bograd. 2018. Rising synchrony controls western North American ecosystems. Global Change Biology 24(6):2305-2314, doi:10.1111/gcb.14128. Link to GCB. Copy.


Lynch, AL, RG Asch, WWL Cheung, CP Paukert, RR Rykaczewski, and WHH Sauer. 2017. Editorial: Impacts of climate change on marine and inland fishes and fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27(2):293-296, doi:10.1007/s11160-017-9483-0. Link to RFBF. Copy.

*Brady, RX, MA Alexander, NS Lovenduski, and RR Rykaczewski. 2017. Emergent anthropogenic trends in California Current upwelling. Geophysical Research Letters 44:5044-5052, doi:10.1002/2017GL072945. Link to GRL. Press Release. Copy.

Tommasi, D, CA Stock, AJ Hobday, R Methot, IC Kaplan, JP Eveson, K Holsman, TJ Miller, S Gaichas, M Gehlen, A Pershing, GA Vecchi, R Msadek, T Delworth, CM Eakin, MA Haltuch, R Sefarian, CM Spillman, JR Hartog, S Siedlecki, JF Samhouri, B Muhling, RG Asch, ML Pinsky, VS Saba, SB Kapnick, CF Gaitan, RR Rykaczewski, MA Alexander, Y Xue, KV Pegion, P Lynch, MR Payne, T Kristiansen, P Lehodey, and FE Werner. 2017. Managing living marine resources in a dynamic environment: the role of seasonal to decadal climate forecasts. Progress in Oceanography 152:15-49, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2016.12.011. Link to Prog. Oceanogr. Copy.

Stock, CA, JG John, RR Rykaczewski, RG Asch, WWL Cheung, JP Dunne, KD Friedland, VWY Lam, JL Sarmiento, and RA Watson. Reconciling fisheries catch and ocean productivity. 2017. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114:E1441-E1449, doi:10.1073/pnas.1610238114. Link to PNAS. Press Release. Copy.

Checkley, DM Jr., RG Asch, and RR Rykaczewski. 2017. Climate, anchovy, and sardine. Annual Review of Marine Science 9:469-493, doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-122414-033819. Link to ARMS. Copy.


Cheung, WWL, TL Frölicher, RG Asch, M Jones, ML Pinsky, G Reygondeau, KB Rodgers, RR Rykaczewski, JL Sarmiento, CA Stock, and JR Watson. 2016. Building confidence in projections of the responses of living marine resources to climate change. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73:1283-1296, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv250. Link to ICES Journal of Marine Science.

*Grieve, BD, EN Curchitser, and RR Rykaczewski. 2016. Range expansion of the invasive lionfish in the Northwest Atlantic with climate change. Marine Ecology Progress Series 546:225–237, doi:10.3354/meps11638. Link to MEPS. Copy.


García-Reyes, M, WJ Sydeman, DS Schoeman, RR Rykaczewski, BA Black, AJ Smit, and SJ Bograd. 2015. Under pressure: Climate change, upwelling and eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 2:109, doi:10.3389/fmars.2015.00109. Link to Frontiers in Marine Science.

Fisher, JL, WT Peterson, and RR Rykaczewski. 2015. The impact of El Niño events on the pelagic food chain in the northern California Current. Global Change Biology 21:4401–4414, doi:10.1111/gcb.13054. Link to GCB.

Rykaczewski, RR, JP Dunne, WJ Sydeman, M García-Reyes, BA Black, and SJ Bograd. 2015. Poleward displacement of coastal upwelling-favorable winds in the ocean's eastern boundary currents through the 21st century. Geophysical Research Letters 42:6424–6431, doi:10.1002/2015GL064694. Link to GRL. Copy.

Bakun, A, BA Black, SJ Bograd, M García-Reyes, AJ Miller, RR Rykaczewski, and WJ Sydeman. 2015. Anticipated effects of climate change on coastal upwelling ecosystems. Current Climate Change Reports 1:85–93, doi:10.1007/s40641-015-0008-4. Link to Current Climate Change Reports.

*Willis-Norton, E, EL Hazen, S Fossette, G Shillinger, RR Rykaczewski, DG Foley, JP Dunne, and SJ Bograd. 2015. Climate change impacts on leatherback turtle pelagic habitat in the southeast Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 113:260-267, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.12.019. Link to DSRII.

McOwen, CJ, WWL Cheung, RR Rykaczewski, RA Watson, and LJ Wood. 2015. Is fisheries production within Large Marine Ecosystems determined by bottom-up or top-down forcing? Fish and Fisheries 16:623–632, doi:10.1111/faf.12082. Link to Fish & Fisheries.


Black, BA, WJ Sydeman, DC Frank, D Griffin, DW Stahle, M García-Reyes, RR Rykaczewski, SJ Bograd, and WT Peterson. 2014. Six centuries of variability and extremes in a coupled marine-terrestrial ecosystem. Science 345(6203):1498-1502, doi:10.1126/science.1253209. Link to Science. Press Release.

Sydeman, WJ, M García-Reyes, DS Schoeman, RR Rykaczewski, SA Thompson, BA Black, and SJ Bograd. 2014. Climate change and wind intensification in coastal upwelling ecosystems. Science 345(6192):77-80, doi:10.1126/science.1251635. Link to Science. Press Release. Los Angeles Times article.


García-Reyes, M, WJ Sydeman, BA Black, RR Rykaczewski, DS Schoeman, SA Thompson, and SJ Bograd. 2013. Relative influence of oceanic and terrestrial pressure systems in driving upwelling-favorable winds. Geophysical Research Letters 40:5311-5315, doi:10.1002/2013GL057729. Link to GRL.

Österblom, H, A Merrie, M Metian, WJ Boonstra, T Blenckner, JR Watson, RR Rykaczewski, Y Ota, JL Sarmiento, V Christensen, M Schlüter, S Birnbaum, BG Gustafsson, C Humborg, C Mörth, B Müller-Karulis, MT Tomczak, M Troel, and C Folke. 2013. Modeling social-ecological scenarios in marine systems. BioScience 63:735-744, doi:10.1525/bio.2013.63.9.9. Link to BioScience. Press Release.

García-Reyes, M, WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, BA Black, RR Rykaczewski, JA Thayer, and SJ Bograd. 2013. Integrated assessment of wind effects on Central California’s pelagic ecosystem. Ecosystems 16(5):722-735, doi:10.1007/s10021-013-9643-6. Link to Ecosystems.

Beaulieu, C, SA Henson, JL Sarmiento, JP Dunne, SC Doney, RR Rykaczewski, and L Bopp. 2013. Factors challenging our ability to detect long-term trends in ocean chlorophyll. Biogeosciences 10:2711-2724, doi:10.5194/bg-10-2711-2013. Link to Biogeosciences.

Hazen, EL, S Jorgensen, RR Rykaczewski, SJ Bograd, DG Foley, ID Jonsen, SA Shaffer, JP Dunne, DP Costa, LB Crowder, and BA Block. 2013. Predicted habitat shifts of Pacific top predators in a changing climate. Nature Climate Change 3:234–238, doi:10.1038/nclimate1686. Link to Nature Climate Change. Press Release.


Rykaczewski, RR and JP Dunne. 2011. A measured look at ocean chlorophyll trends. Nature 472:E5-E6, doi:10.1038/nature09952. Link to Nature. New York Times discussion. Copy.

Decima, M, MR Landry, and RR Rykaczewski. 2011. Broad-scale patterns in mesozooplankton biomass and grazing in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research 58:387-399, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.08.006. Link to DSRII.

Stock, CA, MA Alexander, NA Bond, K Brander, WWL Cheung, EN Curchitser, TL Delworth, JP Dunne, SM Griffies, MA Haltuch, JA Hare, AB Hollowed, P Lehodey, SA Levin, JS Link, KA Rose, RR Rykaczewski, JL Sarmiento, RJ Stouffer, FB Schwing, GA Vecchi, and FE Werner. 2011. On the use of IPCC-class models to assess the impact of climate on living marine resources. Progress in Oceanography 88:1-27, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2010.09.001. Link to Prog. Oceanogr.

Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, JC Field, WT Peterson, RW Tanasichuk, HJ Freeland, SJ Bograd, and RR Rykaczewski. 2011. Does positioning of the North Pacific Current affect downstream ecosystem productivity? Geophysical Research Letters 38:L12606, doi:10.1029/2011GL047212. Link to GRL.


Rykaczewski, RR and JP Dunne. 2010. Enhanced nutrient supply to the California Current Ecosystem with global warming and increased stratification in an earth system model. Geophysical Research Letters 37:L21606, doi:10.1029/2010GL045019. Link to GRL. Copy.


Rykaczewski, RR and DM Checkley. 2008. Influence of ocean winds on the pelagic ecosystem in upwelling regions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105:1965-1970, doi:10.1073/pnas.0711777105. Link to PNAS. Press Release. Copy.

Non Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Domokos, R, J Wren, P Woodworth-Jefcoats, R Rykaczewski, J Ruzicka, R Ahrens, H Barkley, J Whitney, E Oleson, and D Kobayashi. 2022. 10-year pelagic sampling strategy (2023-2032). PIFSC Administrative Report H-23-03, 47 p. doi:10.25923/nw52-tn17. Link to Admin. Report.

Peck, M, A Takasuka, I Catalan, R Rykaczewski, and S Garrido. 2023. Symposium in Lisbon Re-unites the Global Community Investigating Small Pelagic Fish in Marine and Inland systems. Newsletter of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization. PICES Press 31(1):58-66. Link to PICES Press.

Rykaczewski, RR and A Takasuka. 2021. PICES-2020 VW6 Workshop - Research priorities for understanding the population dynamics of small pelagic fish in the North Pacific. Newsletter of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization. PICES Press 29(1):25-27. Link to PICES Press.

Keith, DA, et al. 2020. Indicative distribution maps for Ecological Functional Groups - Level 3 of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology, 10.5281/zenodo.3958934. Link to IUCN Report.

Rykaczewski, RR, M Peck, IA Catalan, A Takasuka. 2020. Identifying research priorities for understanding the dynamics of small pelagic fish. Newsletter of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization. PICES Press 28(2):40-42. Link to PICES Press.

Rykaczewski, RR and A Capotondi. 2020. Towards an integrated approach to understanding ecosystem predictability in the North Pacific. Newsletter of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization. PICES Press 28(1):51-53. Link to PICES Press.

Singh, G, A Cisneros-Montemayor, W Cheung, Y Ota, P Halpin, J Sarmiento, C Stock, H Österblom, C Folke, C McOwen, M Bithell, T Spencer, E Molenaar, AO Eferink, D Gascuel, J Kittinger, E Sunderland, A Boustany, M Pinsky, T Frölicher, L Chan, R Rykaczewski, H Hosein, W Hanich, R Asch, R Caddell, M Colléter, L Dellmuth, D Dunn, H du Pontavice, L Geffert, N Henschke, T Kenny, V Lam, J Mason, A Merrie, M de Oca, G Ortuno-Crespo, M Oyinlola, M Petersson, C Petrik, G Reygondeau, R Seary, R Selden, J Spijkers, C Thackray, P Underwood, J Jose Alava, T Eddy, S von der Porten, L Teh, M Vierros, and C Wabnitz. 2017. Oceans and the Sustainable Development Goals: Co-Benefits, Climate Change and Social Equity. The Nippon Foundation-University of British Columbia Nereus Program, Vancouver, BC. Link to Nerues report.

Rykaczewski, RR, J Alheit, E Di Lorenzo, and S Sundby. 2017. PICES/ICES Workshop on “Environmental control of spatio-temporal changes in population size, distribution and migration of small pelagic fish in an ecosystem context.” Newsletter of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization. PICES Press 25(2):13-15. Link to PICES Press.

Hazen, EL, MA Alexander, SJ Bograd, AJ Hobday, RR Rykaczewski, and KL Scales. 2017. Modeling to aid management of marine top predators in a changing climate. US CLIVAR Variations 15(1):33-40. Link to US CLIVAR Variations.

Clarke, L, R He, S Arnott, J Ballenger, M Karnauskas, K. Lindeman, R Mordecai, J Morley, P Ortner, C Paris, M Pinsky, M Reichert, M Roffer, R Rykaczewski, P Sheng, G Voulgaris, and W White. 2016. Policy Considerations for South Atlantic Climate Variability, Fisheries and Essential Fish Habitats. (A report prepared for the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council.)

Cheung, W, Y Ota, W Swartz, V Christensen, P Halpin, J Sarmiento, C Stock, C Folke, H Österblom, L Wood, C McOwen, T Spencer, M Bithell, AO Eferink, E Molenaar, R Asch, A Boustany, R Caddell, A Cisneros-Montemayor, M Colléter, L Dellmuth, D Dunn, T Frölicher, L Geffert, N Henschke, K Kearney, M Jones, V Lam, M Metian, A Merrie, M de Oca, M Oyinlola, C Petrik, G Reygondeau, R Rykaczewski, P Underwood, A Valls and J Watson. 2015. Predicting Future Oceans: Climate Change, Oceans, and Fisheries. The Nippon Foundation-University of British Columbia Nereus Program, Vancouver, BC. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3492.7444. Link to Nereus report.

Rykaczewski, RR and E Di Lorenzo. 2014. Workshop on “Identifying Mechanisms Linking Physical Climate and Ecosystem Change: Observed Indices, Hypothesized Processes, and "Data Dreams" for the Future.” Newsletter of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization. PICES Press 22(1):12-14. Link to PICES Press.


Rykaczewski Zooscan